M.I.A are finalists at The Enterprise Vision Awards.

The Enterprise Vision Awards are the premier female business awards in the UK & this year the awards will be celebrating its 12th anniversary.

We are delighted to have been shortlisted as finalists in the category Best Business and we are honoured to be in the company of many esteemed companies and fabulous female entrepreneurs.

As a brand that is passionate about inclusivity in skin to be recognised and nominated is to us an amazing achievement but to be shortlisted as finalists, well we are honestly blessed. Those that know me will know that yes I screamed when I received the phone call, apologies Lizzie.

As part of the process I have an interview with a judging panel consisting of a 5 minute pitch and 15 minutes of questions. I am both nervous and excited. My mantra at the minute is come on Claire, don't waffle on at the speed of light without taking a breath! OH ECK.

Then it will be glad rags on for the ceremony at the winter gardens in Blackpool in September and I cannot wait to be in the same room as, well some kick ass women in business.

Keep your fingers, toes and eyes crossed for us.

I will keep you updated on how it goes. WOW what an experience this is going to be.

Claire x