4 reasons to choose antioxidants.

When it comes to skincare antioxidants are considered a hero product with many benefits for the skin. Human skin is constantly directly exposed to the air, solar, radiation, environmental pollutants, or other mechanical and chemical insults, all of which induce free radicals damaging the skin.  Antioxidants remove oxidative stress triggering free radicals from the skin, keeping the skin radiant, resilient and looking younger. We break down the 5 most important benefits of antioxidants when it comes to skincare.


Free radicals occur when the atom within a molecule breaks down and the electron pair split up. These atoms without an electron pairing are free radicals. Everything we encounter is made of molecules therefore we are constantly in contact with skin damaging free radicals. Free radicals attempt to restore the balance of paired electrons by effectively stealing them from other atoms. Often, when free radicals are unable to grab electrons from other atoms, they will take them directly from your cells. This causes a breakdown to the DNA of your skin.

Free radicals cause the elastin and collagen in the skin to break down, resulting in loose skin, fine lines, wrinkle, dark spots and blemishes.

Antioxidants, also known as free radical scavengers, neutralise free radicals and reduce oxidative stress which in turn can cause damage within the skin leading to premature skin ageing. Well known antioxidants in skincare include but are not limited to and Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C, Vitamin E. These ACE VITAMINS are the antioxidants we advise introducing into your skincare routine to reduce free radical damage.


Natural chemical reactions in our cells can also produce unwanted by products called reactive oxygen species (ROS) these furiously move around inside cells causing havoc, particularly a type of damage called oxidation. Left untreated the cells fat rich membranes, proteins and DNA degrade leaving the skin dull and lifeless. Vitamin C is a highly effective antioxidant that works to brighten the skin and revitalise a dull, uneven complexion. Vitamin C occurs in various forms, such as, ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate and tetrahexyldecylascorbate. Vitamin C will bind to the free radicals giving them their missing electron and restoring the missing pairing, so the free radical doesn’t steal an electron from elsewhere.


Acne is an inflammatory skin disease, and antioxidants contain anti-inflammatory properties thanks to their ability to neutralise free radicals. Free radicals can cause our skin to become inflamed, which blocks pores and causes pimples to develop.

Antioxidants help to calm and soothe the skin. If you suffer from a sensitive skin with redness, you will benefit from antioxidants that are known for their soothing properties. Our Balancing Enzyme Exfoliating Mask has been specifically formulated with soothing antioxidants and skin replenishing ingredients to calm and hydrate irritated, red and sensitive skin.


Scientific research has proven that antioxidants help to visibly reduce and soften the appearance of wrinkles. There is no single antioxidant that works best for skin. The important thing to bear in mind is that the products you use should contain a mix of effective antioxidants. In general, the more antioxidants, the better. We would suggest as a minimum a 15% Vitamin C serum, Hydrating Moisturiser containing Vitamin E  and Sunscreen in the AM and a Vitamin A (Retinol) in the PM.  UV is the biggest cause of ageing, and it goes without saying that good sun protection is always required. Most sunscreens protect you from UVA and UVB, but not from heat and visible light which also induce free radicals. That’s why topical antioxidants as well as sunscreen are essential.